Coach T.Riggs, mom of 3, personal trainer & life coach for women, shares her bible studies. While everything you need to achieve your goals simply takes looking INWARD, you must also look UPWARD to achieve that #HappyHealthyLife with absolute integrity.
Here we use the Bible to teach us lessons about how we should live life, manage feelings, manage stress, emotions, hardships, how we should love ourselves & each other to complete our health and wellness journey.
18 episodes
Book of Proverbs, 1-3
Join us as we dive into the book of wisdom, Proverbs! A personal fave. Connect with us on instagram at @inward.and.upward
Season 3
Episode 1

Ruth 3-4
This week we finished the book of Ruth, a fave of mine. So much beauty can be pulled from this short, simple story! What are your thoughts? Join us on instagram @inward.and.upward
Season 2
Episode 2

Book of Ruth
This week we read the first two chapters of Ruth; a simple but beautiful book. Both her and Boaz's character should inspire us all!

Finishing Jonah
Lets finish the last two chapters of Jonah, reflect on the book, and then check it off the reading list! What an awesome feeling! Connect with us on instagram @inward.and.upward
Season 2
Episode 2

Book of Jonah
Let's check off the book of Jonah! Chapters 1-2. This book is a prophecy of Jesus' death & resurrection and has so much to pull from for us believers!
Season 2
Episode 1

Book of Esther pt. 3
Finishing the book of Esther! What a great book with SO much to pull from!
Season 1
Episode 3

Book of Esther pt. 2
Here we work through the second portion of this book, chapters 5-7. This is the juiciest part of the book with so much to learn from. Haman has a real hard time, dies in the most ironic way possible, Esther makes progress towards saving her peo...
Season 1
Episode 2

Book of Esther
Let dive into last week's reading of chapters 1-4! Such good stuff, reach on instagram to start a dialogue throughout the study off this book <3 @inward.and.upward
Season 1
Episode 1

Gentle, Traditional Parenting
Parenting for the mental health of both the children AND the parents. How to SEE & respect your baby as the beautiful individual soul they are; how to learn their language from day one; how to train a child to obtain desired behaviors witho...
Season 1
Episode 7

Mom Health Hacks
As a mother, it can seem impossible to take control over your health. For a lot of us, we don't realize just how little we need to do to make a massive difference in how we feel and function on a day to day! Here are my realizations and strateg...
Season 1
Episode 5

Your North Star - Iconic Women's Collective
How to start identifying your North Start in your life and business, and stay true to you through all the wild ups, downs, twists and turns! This is a more detailed version of the speech I gave at the Iconic Women's Collective Luncheon.
Season 1
Episode 4

Physical Change-The Start
You cannot change your external self without inevitably working your internal self. Changing our physical bodies is a great starting place to overall behavior change! We all know someone who started going to a gym, and became a completely new p...
Season 1
Episode 3

What Is Behavior?
In this episode, we dive right in to the complexities of behavior, how to begin to become aware of our own, and the processes to start changing it. Conscious and subconscious, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual behaviors completely const...
Season 1
Episode 2

Inward & Upward
The rebrand.. what it means, and where we are going. Stay tuned for new episodes each week walking you through my universal process to change your life, and find YOUR #HappyHealthyLife
Season 1
Episode 1

Achieving a Happy, Healthy LIFESTYLE
What is the key to living a happy, healthy LIFESTYLE? I found my answer. People tend to get confused on what that means.. being a fit person does not inherently mean you are living a healthy lifestyle, let alone happy. The health and wellness i...

Pregnancy Q & A
Brief summary of my first pregnancy, and how we went from a home birth to the operating table; Comparing the two pregnancies up to this point; perinatal anxiety issues; answering all the questions I got from you!